Saturday, February 25, 2012

Practicing: whenever and wherever we can!

Finding the time and place to practice in your busy life can be a challenge, especially with a little one around!  Getting creative about how, when, and where we practice can be just the ticket.  Try some pranayama or practice your mantra the next time you find yourself stuck in traffic in your car.  Pick up that baby and rest them on your thigh for a round of Warrior 1 squats.  Navasana, or boat pose, with your child on your lap can be a fun balancing act too.  Use the wall at the office for some shoulder opening or a supported Pyramid pose (Parsvottanasana).  Remember that you can do a little something just about anywhere to tune in and center yourself.

And then, there is always the great outdoors!  Practicing yoga outside under the open air can be so uplifting and inspiring, with more than just the studio wall to reflect upon.  Here are some images from our most recent retreat in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica.  Hanging upside down on a zipline flying through the jungle in a back bend or baddakonasana definitely counts, you go ladies!